Bucket List for 2013/2014

2 Jan
  • Eat healthy (by controlling my food portion)
  • Eat out a minimum of 1 time a week
  • Get Invisalign done  (Got my teeth scanned in January 2013, now just waiting on the trays to come in!! super excited!!)  (March update, had trays in for just over 2 weeks now)  another update oct 2013— only have 6 more trays left and then see if i need more after that 🙂 but loving the results soo much 🙂 UPDATE: 2/14. its been a year since i had them, i finished them at the end of Jan 2014 but need to keep the trays in for 6 months (til july) and then only wear them at night)
  • Work out at least 4 times a week (at least 30 minutes)
  • Walk Venus at least 4 times a week
  • Go on a hike at least once a week  (March 2013–have been getting in alot of hikes! the weather is perfect now!!!)  4/2013– got a lot of hiking in the past few months, now it’s starting to get really hot, so this will slow down some unless I go up north or it happens to be a cooler day. 10/2013– i have been hiking a lot, even in the summer, about 2 days a week early early in the morning. now i been going 3 to 4 times a week. i love hiking.
  • Pay off my Credit Card
  • Start jogging
  • Go to a Strip Club   1/18/2013
  • Figure out what is wrong with my leg its the muscle on the side of the leg, since everything else came back good. i just keep stretching it more. (so im guessing, but im tired of spending money on tests that i really do not need)
  • Save $$ & plan a budget so that I can go on a trip in 2014 (either to China/Taiwan; Hawaii; or Costa Rica)
  • Volunteer more
  • Start a blog & continue blogging
  • Read a book a month
  • Do a weekly photoblog   (didnt really start this, but might do for month project)
  • Learn a new thing a month
  • Take a crochet class; knitting class; & cake decorating class –10/2013 just found a groupon for a knitting class, that i’m going to buy. not sure if i’ll have time to go this year, it might be in january that i go. but i cant wait!! UPDATE: 1/14— took a knitting class. it was OK, i dont think i really care for it.
  • Stop drinking soda  (March 2013— been doing fabulous on this, i think i might have had 2 sodas all year, and now that i have my invisalign trays in nothing but water)
  • Learn yoga and/or pilates — started doing a beginners yoga dvd about 5 months ago, i need to work on doing it 3 times a week
  • Plan a trip to the beach (San Diego)
  •  Go visit my family back home in Missouri
  • Continue posting things that I am thankful for
  • Learn basic spanish
  • Pay if forward (at least once a month)
  • Give compliments
  • Have a Spa Day: massage, facial, pedi/mani  (completed on my birthday in feb)
  • Learn Photoshop
  • Stop eating sugar
  • Get my fortune told (psychic reading)
  • Learn to shoot a gun
  • Get a tattoo
  • Pick up trash as I walk Venus (did this for a while, but then started making my leg hurt more and more so i stopped doing it)
  • Attend the Color Run — (did not attend this year, 2014 I will)
  • Walk South Mountain Cancer Walk  (leg was still hurting/going numb so did not do this year 😦   )   (completed feb 2014)
  • Send flowers to Nana
  • Make a vision board
  • Paint Pottery more
  • Go to Spring Training game  (went with a friend a couple weeks ago in March 2013, dbacks vs cubs) had fun and got a tan 🙂 tooo bad the Dbacks lost
  • Write my will
  • Sleep under the stars
  • Update personal items
  • Learn how to say “Hello” in 10 different languages

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