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Exploring Horton Creek, AZ

15 Apr

Today I decided to go exploring/hiking a new place and to enjoy the cooler weather, smell of pine needles, the sound of the creek, new photos and of course to break in my new hiking Keens (that my friend was worried that I keep hiking in my Keen Sandals, which I loveeeee, but now is rattlesnake season… but then again any excuse to buy new shoes I’m all for)  🙂

So I went up to Horton Creek, about 20 miles past Payson. I didnt do the entire trail, only about 1 1/2 miles up and then back. I brought my 9 year old boxer with me and I didnt want to force her to walk that far.  but it was sooo pretty 🙂 and i loveee my new hiking shoes, they felt great.


Camera 360





another beautiful day in Phoenix

12 Apr






Wildflowers in the AZ desert

28 Mar

I have been getting in a lot of hiking in and around Phoenix.  The weather is PERFECT and all the wildflowers are blooming. It’s soooo beautiful!!! I have more pictures I just need to go through them in the next few days and will post a few more and of course take more. I can’t wait until the cacti start blooming flowers tooo







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turning 32….

17 Feb

I turned 32 the other day. If I looked back 10 yrs or even 5 yrs ago, I wouldn’t picture my life where its at right now.  But you know what I’m happy with where I’m at and working every day to make it even better then the day before. and this year I’m going to focus on reaching and crossing off things on my Bucket-List.


I’m also extremely tired and frustrated with trying to meet guys.  So I’m going to stop looking. I’m going to focus more on ME. I’m going to enjoy this beautiful weather and get out and go hiking more, ride my bike, the gym.  I also need to focus on calling the charities that I want to volunteer at monthly and get started with that.

My goal for February kind-of didn’t stick, my birthday through me off, too many plans/get together with friends. But that’s perfectly OK with me; I had an amazing week-long birthday celebrations, with some amazing friends.

But in a few weeks will be March and my goal for March will be to not spend any money UNLESS it rent, utilities, or food (not eating out)  ….. (and maybe one spring training game… my splurge; ohhhh and with my tax refund if i get it in March I might go buy the piece of furniture I have been waiting to purchase)  if that girl in the magazine did it and paid off her 23,000 in debt in 16 months and her take home pay is about the same as what I make.  I don’t have that much in debt, but to pay my little debt I have off and then save more money would be incredible. 🙂  I can do it!!!  I’m going to focus working out, hiking, going for bike rides, the gym, yard work, cleaning my house, working, walks, volunteering, reading.



the things i force my dog to do for me for a picture :)

6 Feb

the things i force my dog to do for me for a picture :)

month 1 of the year almost over

29 Jan

I can’t believe January 2013 is almost over. My goal this month was to not eat fast food. I completed this goal (well I did stop one day at Dunkin Donuts for a hot chocolate) but other than that I did not eat any fast food.  I actually have not had any soda all month.  Just water, tea, or water with lemon or orange slices.  I need to buy a little mint plant again so that I can put mint leaves in my water for different flavor.

I am going to continue to not eat fast food and limit eating out to 1 time a week.  February might be a tad bit harder (my birthday month) and I already have a few lunch plans with friends throughout the month.  But I will work on picking healthy choices.

This month I also crossed one item off of my bucket list.  Going to a strip club.  It was for a friends good-bye party. and even though the place she picked was kind of ghetto it was still a lot of fun and had a great time with my friends.

I also have been enjoying the beautiful “winter” weather in AZ.  I did break down and turn my heater on for about a week. I have been getting in a lot of hikes at South Mountain. I need to find a few more different trails to conquer.  And I think I’m going to go up to Squaw Peak and hike that a few times.

South Mountain Phx AZ

South Mountain Phx AZ

South Mountain Phx AZ

South Mountain Phx AZ

South Mountain Phx AZ

South Mountain Phx AZ

South Mountain Phx AZ

South Mountain Phx AZ

South Mountain Phx AZ

South Mountain Phx AZ

Next month I have a few ideas in mind to be able to cross another item or 2 off of my bucket list.

My February Monthly Goal will be:  To work out a minimum of 30 minutes every day on my spin bike.  but also continue with not eating fast food.

My favorite color is…. Glitter

20 Jan



I love all bright colors; but if i had to choice just one color to call my favorite it would be GLITTER.  It’s sparkly and shiney.  You can use glitter on your nails; lotion; on artwork; on cards; in makeup; clothes; shoes; cups; decorations; furniture….I can probably keep going but as you can tell you can use Glitter in or for everything 🙂


Glitter always makes me smile whenever I see it or use it 🙂  It comes in every color or in a mixture of all colors.

213217363577893024_SQwC5KOD_b[1] I even have a sparkly/glitter pink dog collar for my boxer. and whenever she gets a bath, they always paint her nails a pink glitter color 🙂 



Whenever I see glitter it makes me smile and happy 🙂